Lilongwe Wildlife Centre receives over 34,000 visitors a year, and we aim to inspire every one of them to care about wildlife, its welfare and conservation. We offer guided tours of the sanctuary where visitors can hear the stories of our rescued residents and enjoy the tranquillity of this beautiful forest reserve situated right in the heart of the city.

Over 25,000 of those visitors are also school children who participate in our environmental education programmes. Schools can choose from seven of our modules, each of which has been developed in line with the national curriculum:
• Wildlife Welfare & Conservation
• Deforestation
• Waste Management
• Biodiversity
• Wildlife Crime
• Human-Wildlife Conflict
• Climate Change

Our tour guides and education officers are fully trained in their delivery, which also incorporates games and activities to bring the learning to life. Teachers are also provided with materials to continue the teaching back in the classroom, and many of the Lilongwe based schools are also engaged through our LEEP programme.

Events, such as World Environment Day celebrations and the annual Wildlife Quiz Championships are a great way of engaging school children in our education programmes.

Find out more about school visits here.